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Recreation Association
and 100 Club

Winsford is a relatively small village and is very fortunate to have both a Cricket Ground with Pavilion and two tennis courts.


The Recreation Association committee meets regularly and their role is to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of both of these facilities. Funding for this is raised through the 100 Club.


Everyone who lives in Winsford whether they be a resident or a holiday home owner are encouraged to participate in the 100 Club. Funds are collected annually in the spring, with a fee of £15 per person.


Each month there is a draw of £30, £20,and two £10 prizes. There are two bonus months in December and July when prizes are tripled. All remaining funds are allocated to the Recreation Association.


Participating in this Club gives you free use of the tennis courts and sustains and ensures the future of these wonderful facilities.


Membership costs £15 and can be made by cash or cheque (made payable to Winsford Recreation Association) to Frazer Lawrence at Weirside, Edbrooke Road, or pay on line to Nat West, Sort Code 60-14-30 Account number 62585975 (please add your name as reference)



If you require any further information please contact Frazer Lawrence on 07898112585


Find out more about our Tennis Club and Cricket Club.



100 Club Winners 


July 2024


£30 - James How

£20 - Martin Jones

£10 - Charlie Beeden

£10 - Dawn Edmonds


June 2024


£100 - Brian Drewett

£50 - Jackie Archer
£30 - Vanessa Thompson

£20 - Callum Gee

£10 - Sam Winzer


May 2024


£30 - Saphie Taylor
£20 - James How

£10 - Derek Brown

£10 - Frazer Lawrence


April 2024


£30 - Paul Morris

£20 - Mr & Mrs Binding

£10 - Jeremy Bingham

£10 - Nicky Tillyer


March 2024


£30 - Jenny How

£20 - Steve Pickard

£10 - Robin Allen

£10 - Callum Gee



February 2024


£30 - Catherine Soar

£20 - Frank Wilmot

£10 - Brenda Staples

£10 - Natasha Cassidy


January 2024


£30 - Lynne Davey

£20 - Captain Walter Godsal

£10 - Becky Hayes

£10 - Jane Chambers


For a list of previous winners, click here





Minutes April 11th 2024


Minutes January 18th 2024


Minutes October 5th 2023


Minutes July 20th 2023


Minutes April 13th 2023


Minutes Jan 26th 2023


Minutes Oct 20th 2022


Minutes Sept 2nd 2022


Minutes August 8th 2022


Minutes June 6th 2022


Minutes April 15th 2022


Minutes March 28th 2022


Minutes Jan 10th 2022


Minutes June 9th 2021


100 club winners
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