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Winsford offers several opportunities for keeping fit and exercised, open to all.


Ellen Chamberlain offers weekly Circuit Training and Core Strength exercise sessions, husband Ian runs a Walking Rugby group, and Jane Penfold offers Pilates classes. Beccy Brown organises Table Tennis in the Village Hall on Sundays. There is also an outdoor walking exercise class - Exercise on Exmoor which uses nearby park locations. Recently the village is offering Pickleball, every Wednesday in the hall.


The Circuits and Core Strength exercise groups aim to be inclusive, anyone is welcome to have a free trial session or to watch a group. Our current age range varies from 15 to 76 years and we have a roughly equal female:male split at circuits. All equipment is provided, just bring a water bottle to keep hydrated. Sessions are £2 per person to cover the cost of hiring the hall and replacing/improving any equipment.




Weekly:  Monday 9-10am on the Recreational Field if dry or the Village Hall if wet.


A Circuits group warming up on the Recreation Field and getting on with in the the Village Hall.


Following a group warmup we complete a range of set exercises individually with a short rest between each. The exercises target different muscle groups, individuals work at their own pace and intensity with assistance / advice available if any adaptation is needed. We usually play a team game to warm down which has now become a very popular activity in its own right. 





Weekly: Thursday 9-10am in the Village Hall


Flexibility and strength of core muscle groups are targeted; exercises are demonstrated from the front of the group and are largely progressive so individuals can choose the level of intensity that suits them.




Three times weekly Tuesday 1:30, Friday 9:30. Thursday only during school holidays. Facebook page here

exercise on exmoor.jpg

The outdoor walking workout is a fun 1 hour fitness session which combines power walking, strength exercises and stretches.


Throughout the walk in different locations on Exmoor we stop and work the whole body. All exercises can be tweaked to work you to your best ability and gain maximum results. It is a great way to get out and about in all weathers on Exmoor whilst improving your physical and mental health.


These sessions run weekly on Thursdays during school holiday, and Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays the rest of the time. 


I also run personal training session. So if a group session isn’t for you we can train together building and working towards your own individual goals. 


Nina Edwards






Pickleball is now being played on a Wednesday afternoon in the Village Hall starting at 3pm.  Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis.


Winsford Village Hall is fortunate to have a badminton court marked out which is the exact size of court needed for Pickleball. The Badminton net is lowered to tennis court height and we have paddles and a plastic ball with holes in them provided. The game can be played both indoors and outdoors and is suitable for people of all ages and skill levels. In Winsford on a Wednesday afternoon we play doubles. 


Pickleball originated in the United States in 1965. It was invented by Joel Pritchard, a congressman from Washington State, along with his friend Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum, a local businessman. The game was created as a way to entertain their families during the summer. Legend has it that the game was named after the Pritchard's dog, Pickles, who would chase after the balls and hide them in the bushes, although this origin story is sometimes debated.


Pickleball is gaining in popularity all over the UK and has now come to Winsford. If you’d like to play please come along. The 1st session is free and after that we ask for £2.00 to cover the hire of the hall. This is a fun social event and it would be great to see you there.




The Pilates classes are currently suspended


Running in the Village Hall since 2016 with Jane Penfold, a Level 3 Pilates Instructor with over 15 years’ experience, Realistic Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise which at first glance may seem gentle and easy – but its combination of strengthening and mobility moves create an intense and highly beneficial workout.


High fitness levels or great suppleness are not necessary – in fact the only fitness requirement is that participants can get down to the floor and up again without assistance. The sedentary and the super-fit alike can benefit, as the method offers strengthening (particularly of the ‘core muscles’ within the torso), suppling, lengthening, breathing control, posture, coordination and stability – as well as plenty of stretching!


The class is particularly suited to those who have been advised by a medical professional to take up Pilates. New clients are required to complete a health form and to do an induction, and may be advised to do some private sessions (which are available to anyone by arrangement) prior to joining the class.


Classes are at 6pm on Tuesdays (5.30pm on film nights over the winter months). Advance booking is essential and classes are usually booked in blocks of five or six weeks. For more information or to book, contact Jane on tel 01598 740114, 07711 130371, or email





Do you fancy having lots of laughs, a catchup with friends, a little exercise together with learning a new skill or improving an existing one? Then come and join us on Sunday afternoons from 4.00-6.00 at the village hall for a game of table tennis!


Playing table tennis is a fun and effective way to improve your physical fitness and overall health. It can be played at various levels of intensity and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Benefits include:


  1. Improved cardiovascular fitness:

  2. Increased agility and coordination:

  3. Improved muscle strength and endurance:

  4. Enhanced mental acuity and sharpness.

  5. Stress and tension relief.


No minimum (or maximum) standard of play – from beginners to the more experienced. No age restrictions – everyone is welcome whether you are eight or eighty. All equipment is provided plus refreshments in the form of a welcome cuppa and a biscuit or two.  All you need to bring is yourselves, £2.00 and a comfy pair of shoes


Just what is needed during the cold and dreary winter months while we wait for Spring, sunshine and warmth!!


Beccy Brown




Weekly: Mondays 6pm on the Recreation Field, or if grass wet on the tennis courts.

Walking Rugby is a relatively new initiative from the RFU


Walking Football, Netball and other games are already well established.

The aim of Walking Rugby  is very broad, the game enables participation by those who are no longer able to play the full game, through whatever circumstances. Equally important is that the game encourages those, of all ages and genders, who are new to rugby, whilst avoiding a need for high levels of fitness and the barrier of a full contact sport.


Tackles are made by a two-handed touch between the shoulders and hips and there is no contest for a ball on the floor, scrummages, line-outs etc. 


First go is free, and subsequent sessions cost just £1.00, with U16 free. All monies collected are paid in full to support Winsford Recreation Association. 


Sessions, led by Ian a retired PE teacher and rugby player and coach, are run in an inclusive and friendly manner. 


Everyone is guaranteed a welcome, regardless of age, ability or experience...... Please come and give it a go.

Core Stength
Walking Rugby
Exercise on Exmoor
Table Tennis
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