The George Joyce Bequest
A local landowner, George Joyce, died in 1652 leaving East Nurcott farm, which consisted of a house and 125 acres, for the benefit of Winsford, Cutcombe, and Wooten Courtnay.
The will decreed that profit from the letting income derived from the farm tenancy should be shared between those villages.
In 1978 a charity, the ESTATE CHARITY OF GEORGE JOYCE was set up to administer the income. There are three trustees from each village who are responsible for the farm's governance and distribution of funds. In Sept 2021 a new chairman, Roger Webber, was appointed, with the previous Richmond Harding staying on as a trustee.
The trustees "maintain and where necessary improve the property (farm land and dwelling) that constitute the charity's permanent endowment, then distribute an equal sum to each of the three parishes as required by the governing document; they in turn distribute the money within their parish."
What the charity does:
General Charitable Purposes
The Advancement Of Health Or Saving Of Lives
The Prevention Or Relief Of Poverty
Who the charity helps:
Children/young People
Elderly/old People
Other Charities Or Voluntary Bodies
How the charity helps:
Makes Grants To Individuals
Individuals can apply for funds from the trustees who are listed here. Winsford parish council uses the Village Agent for recommendations.
Centuries later this bequest still operates exactly as George Joyce intended, to the benefit of thousands of families.
The full text of George Joyce's will:
In the name of God Amen
The seventeenth day of May in the year of the Lord One Thousand, six hundred and fifty two.
I, George Joyce, of the of the (parish?) of Winsford, in the County of Somerset, yeoman, being sick of body bot of good and perfect memory thanks be unto the Almighty God do constitute and ordayn this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth.
First I do bequeath my sole into the hands of my Board and Saviour Jesus Christ and my body to the Christian buryall.
I give to the poor of the parishes of Winsford, Calcombe, and Wootton Courtenay equally [between] these three parishes poor people all my land lyeing and being in the parish of Winsford in a village called or known by the name of Nurcott after the decease of my wife Ellinor Joyce and to remain unto them forever.
And I give unto them my two tenements lying in the parish of Calcombe called by name of Hawkwill and [paid] after the decease of my wife if Robert [Severi] doe over live her for the whole tearme of life.
I give unto him my tenement at Luxboro called [perley] lately in the of occupation of William Butcher, and they shall have that after the five and twentieth day of March next ensuinge during the whole tearme that I have in it.
I give them all the howshold stuffe which is in my house or the value thereof after the decease of my wife. Item. I give them all the money which is owed unto me reservinge enough to my Executrix to our three sets of silver buttons.
I do entreat William Edbrooke of Winsford, Michael Hole of Wootton Courtenay and John Thorne of Calcombe to make the best use and benefitt they canne of their legacies given to the poore of those three parishes, and for their pains I give unto them one set of silver buttons apiece.
I give unto my God Children, ten shillings apiece and my Will is that Mr Pinn my landlord shall have my red cow, and four pounds in money at my death for Hariotts.
The rest of my goods and Chattels not given nor bequeathed my debts and legacies payd, my funerall charges defrayed I give & bequeathe unto my wife Ellinor Joyce whome I doe make constitute and ordayne whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament whereunto Witnesses William Edbrooke Christopher Hobs.
After the death of those three men here name my Will is that the wardins and overseers of those three parishes shall have the [ordeinge] of these legacies for those poore.
George Joyce.
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