Local Trades and services
If you have a local business serving the area of Winsford and the Exmoor National Park, and would like a free card on this page, please use the Contact button below
David Wilson
Painter and Decorator
01643 851454
For all your painting requirements and general maintenance
Dan Passmore Garden Maintenance
Grass Cutting-Strimmerwork-Hedge cutting-Garden clearence-Garden tidyup- Landscaping-Driveways-Gates and Fencing
Tel: 01643 831842
Exmoor Shooting
est 1980
Shooting lessons
Simulated days
Tony Hemming
07792 597733
The Exmoor Mole Catcher
Whether it’s a few molehills in the garden or hundreds in your fields, I can help. Friendly local service covering Exmoor and surrounding areas.
email: neil@exmoormolecatcher.co.uk
Tel: 07855 872143
Traditional and Wash & Reach
Window cleaning
S Doughty and Son
07934 314630
Loft Insulation
D. Bryne
07968 889518
Sam Watson
07494 590201
or via Tarr Farm 851507
30 Staunton Rd Alcombe, Minehead
Somerset TA24 6DX
Phone: 07875720842
Secondary: 01643709205
Email: lee.lbhelectricals@gmail.com
Wheddon Cross Oil Syndicate
Monthly oil deliveries and top ups at discounted group buying prices.
Contact Alan 01643 841799
Seasoned Hardwood Logs
John Atkins
07980 260623
01643 831564